Mariafrancesca Villani

if we cannot rewrite it, here and now, there will be no future 


The New Book by Mariafrancesca Villani
Titolo Libro


Checca Villani is not a person of words, but of value.
The life path of the author, in fact, tells of a woman engaged first plan in solid battles, of lived life, with passion and trust. Her little book, therefore, although definable, in part, as a UTOPIC STORY about an “Imaginary model of a perfect society that fully realises a
political and moral ideal, and where men can live in prosperity and peace”, such does not appear but in a strictly literal sense, giving possibility and expectation, positivity and depth.
Its reading, therefore, turns out to be delicious, enjoyable and highly readable, as a key that manages to open heart and mind. The stories in fact, told by the author, give hope for a certainly possible future,
making you smile and think but, above all, giving the vision that we would all like to become sowing, in the hope that even a single plant could eventually flourish.
Federica Flocco – Writer and journalist


One winter day, I asked myself, how and when I wanted to die, I (kind of) played God. And I imagined that moment, a moment encompassing my whole life, the outcome of what my (long) life would have been.
I played to imagine a fairytale, even if the moment was tragic, indeed perhaps precisely because of this: with the strength of desperation, I tried to impress my wish for changing the path of rails that the crazy train on which humanity was on, was following, and me with it… So I tried to give a precise location to all the things I wanted to see around me at the moment of undertaking the journey with no return, starting from the date. We are in 2052, June 9, and we are in Bagnoli, Naples, and everything has changed …come with me … I have a thousands stories to tell …


It is said that if you enter a room full of orchids you come out scented. I wish this site was like an orchid room for us. A virtual place where we can encourage each other or even inform and dialogue with each other on the topics that are most important to us: Environment, Human Rights, Quality of Life, Agriculture, Freedom From and Freedom OF …
I would like this little book to open a box in the reader’s heart, like those windows on the Christmas calendars we used as children to count down on Christmas Eve. Behind each one there were surprises and little gifts, and behind this one, which I would like you to open up, there is only one word, but with a great value: hope.
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